Child’s Developmental Toddler/Preschool History
Child's Name ______________________________Nickname______________________________
DOB _________ Gender: M/F
1. Is your child well most of the time? Yes/No
2. Is your child taking any medications now? (Including aspirin, laxatives, vitamins, etc.) Yes/No
If yes what? _________________________ Why? _________________________________
3. In a year, has your child had as many as 3 ear infections? Yes/No
4. Are you concerned about your child's hearing? Yes/No
5. In a year, does your child usually have more than 3 colds or sore throat infections with a fever? Yes/No
6. Are you concerned about your child's vision? Yes/No
7. Has your child been seen by a medical specialist? Yes/No If yes, who: _________________________________________________________________________________
8. Does your child have any handicaps? Yes/No If yes, describe: _________________________________________________________________________________
9. Other illnesses or diseases or allergies? Yes/No If yes, what? _________________________________________________________________________________
10. Does your child have any contagious illnesses that could impact other children or staff (malaria, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, HIV, AIDS, etc.)? Yes/ No If yes, what? _________________________________________________________________________________
11. Has your child has any of the following? (Please circle)
premature birth, trouble breathing at birth, birth injury, head injury convulsions/seizures, allergies (eczema, hives, drug, peanut, milk, fruits, food intolerance, hay fever, wheezing, asthma, insect stings, seasonal)
Describe: _________________________________________________________________________________
12. What arrangements have you made for the care of your child should he/she become ill at the center? _________________________________________________________________________________
Developmental History
At what age did your child begin to walk? __________talk?__________
How do you comfort your child? _________________________________________________________________________________
What are your child's favorite toys/activities? _________________________________________________________________________________
What language(s) is spoken in your home? _________________________________________________________________________________
Has your child been in a group child care setting previously, and what were his or her reactions?_________________________________________________________________________________
How does your child react to new people and situations? _________________________________________________________________________________
What kinds of things can your child do by him/herself? (feeding, dressing alone, washing hands, using the toilet, etc.) _________________________________________________________________________________
Does your child have any behavioral problems? _________________________________________________________________________________
How do you handle them? _________________________________________________________________________________
Are you aware of any anxieties or fears that your child may have? _________________________________________________________________________________
Circle the words that best describe your child: confident, loving, leader, fearful, insecure, anxious, follower, responsible, self-reliant, cooperative
Is your child toilet trained? Yes/No
What word does your child use for urination? ___________ bowels? _________
Can he/she easily manage the clothing worn? Yes/No
What is your child's current sleeping schedule?
Night time: from _____ to _____ Nap: from _____ to _____
Please tell us anything else that you feel would help us provide a comfortable environment for your child. _________________________________________________________________________________
How did you hear about Me Too Preschool? Referred by _____________________________
Newspaper ______________ Drive by ______ Online search ______ MTP Website _______
Brightstars Website _______ Other ____________________
Child’s Physical Description
Eye color _____________ Hair Color ______________ Weight ________ Height _________
Birthmarks ___________________________ Bone Structure _________________________
Racial/Ethnicity ____________________________
In order to provide the utmost quality care for your child, please tell us anything else that you feel would help us provide a comfortable environment for your child (emotional, physical or behavioral information which would be important for us to know). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________